I Am the Immaculate Conception
I am Immaculate Conception is how Mary, the Mother of God, introduced herself to St. Bernadette in 1858 in Lourdes, France. During the season of Advent and Christmas, a new documentary film invites audiences to ponder why Mary presents herself this way. In the film, a group of eminent experts, including the Marian Fathers, analyze Greek texts of the Holy Scripture, revelations and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. The result is a new interpretation of passages of the Scripture revealing Mary, the Mother of Christ, and her extraordinary role in the divine plan for the salvation of the world. I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, via application of the latest technologies, using the virtual LED studio, and a traditional scenography, transports audiences to the eternal acts of the Holy Family-over 2000 years ago-to participate in the most crucial moments of Mary and Jesus’ lives, such as the miracle at the Wedding at Cana, the Last Supper and Golgotha.

I Am the Immaculate Conception
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